If LED bulbs can be an investment tool?-okledlights.com

Everyone KNOWS that LED bulbs save money. With the appearance of LED bulbs in more and more places ( Philips LED bulbs just popped up in Home Depot), the general public is starting to become more aware of the products that are available, but the consensus is they’re STILL too expensive.

LED RGB Bulb light

The truth is what few are saying is that it really doesn’t make sense financially to switch out to LEDs if you’re using them less than 8 hours a day.

Compared to a “traditional investment”, if you are only using an LED bulb 6 hours per day, you’re making a measly 5% return on your investment – i.e. if you spend $10 for the LED bulb, you’ll “make” $0.50 per year(in savings).

The numbers get really interesting when you starting getting to 12 hours usage per day and more. In this example, we plugged the numbers in for California ($0.15 /kWh) into our trusty LED energy evaluation calculator at 16 hours usage a day and the average return on investment is an astounding 76%! – i.e. if you spend $10 for the LED bulb, you’ll “make” $7 per year (in savings).

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